DWMHA CONTACT US - Roles & Email Addresses

DWMHA Executive Roles
Name Role Email
Peter Dulhanty President president@whalers.org
Matt Mahoney Vice President vicepresident@whalers.org
Lacey Cyr Secretary secretary@whalers.org
Melissa Ruginski Treasurer treasurer@whalers.org
Lisa Bonin Director of Communications communications@whalers.org
Jeff Merrick Risk Management & Discipline riskmanager@whalers.org
Michelle James
Director of Operations opsdirector@whalers.org
Rob Dunphy Director of Competitive Hockey compdirector@whalers.org
Brian Bruce Director of Recreation Hockey recdirector@whalers.org
Steve Coleman Director of Development developdirector@whalers.org
Chris Prentice Director of U7 & U9 U7U9director@whalers.org
DWMHA Non-Voting Roles
Name Role Email
Beth MacMullin Director of Registration registrar@whalers.org
Shawn Wadden Ice Coordinator whalersice@whalers.org
Jason Murphy Rec Ice Coordinator recice@whalers.org
Jackie Kellestine Controller controller@whalers.org
Pete Boutin Referee In Chief referee-in-chief@whalers.org
Glenn Boyce / Dave Pawson Officials Assignor assignor@whalers.org
DWMHA Appointed Roles
Name Role Email
Jeff Pottie Equipment Manager equipment@whalers.org
Erin Walker Manager Coordinator mgrcoordinator@whalers.org
Krista McNeil U7 Coordinator U7@whalers.org
Laura Ryan U9 Coordinator U9@whalers.org
Michelle Egan U11 Rep Coordinator U11rep@whalers.org
Erin Madden U13 Rep Coordinator U13rep@whalers.org
Keri Smith U15 Rep Coordinator U15rep@whalers.org
John Landry U11 Rec Coordinator U11rec@whalers.org
Brock MacNamara U13 Rec Coordinator U13rec@whalers.org
Ray Keddy U15 Rec Coordinator U15rec@whalers.org
Matt Taylor U18 Coordinator U18@whalers.org
Angela Walker Policy Coordinator policy@whalers.org
Jayne Sierens Fundraising Coordinator fundraising@whalers.org
Dave MacKenzie Certifications Coordinator certifications@whalers.org