League News


AGM and Board Elections Update

Thank you to everyone who attended the AGM on Sunday evening, both in person and virtually. We would like to congratulate the following members on being successful candidates for terms in the following positions:


Director of Discipline and Risk Management - Jeff Merrick (elected)

Director of U7/U9 - Chris Prentice (elected)

Secretary - Lacey Cyr (acclaimed)

Treasurer - Melissa Ruginski (acclaimed)

Director of Communications - Lisa Bonin (acclaimed)

Director of Competitive Hockey - Rob Dunphy (acclaimed)


Thank you to all candidates. 

We would like to introduce you to the Whalers Board of Directors for the 2024-2025 season:



Peter Dulhanty

Vice President 

Matthew Mahoney


Lacey Cyr


Melissa Ruginski

DIrector of Development

Steve Coleman

Director of Competitive Hockey

Rob Dunphy

Director of Recreational Hockey

Brian Bruce

Director of U7/U9

Chris Prentice

Director of Communications

Lisa Bonin

Director of Risk Management & Discipline

Jeff Merrick

Director of Operations

Michelle James


In the coming weeks, we will be putting out a call for divisional coordinators and other volunteer positions, so we hope to see some of you get involved in one of these positions.


Jun 11, 2024