League News


Dartmouth Whalers 50/50 for 2022-2023


Whalers 50/50 Communication 2022/2023 

Welcome back everyone to another Whalers hockey season. Last year we ran another successful 50/50 and did extremely well. We are hoping to build on that success again going forward. 50/50 registration discounts from last season were applied to help reduce registration costs by over $20,000 for raffle participants. We hope to add to that total this year. There will be no changes to our ticket prices and like last year we are incorporating a second draw for a Pro Hockey Life gift card after each main draw. This year the ticket prices will remain the same. 

·       3 for $5,   7 for $10,    15 for $20 and    50 for $50

The top ten fundraisers for each draw will be placed in a second draw following the main one for a $100 Pro Hockey Life gift card.

The ticket sales threshold to receive a registration discount remains the same as last year. Each participant will require a minimum registration discount of $25.00 in order to have it applied the following year. The $25.00 threshold was chosen in order to avoid the significant administrative challenges and costs that would be involved in processing and tracking small discounts. With the ticket sales breakdown giving 36.5% of the sales to the individual, a Whalers ticket seller would have to sell roughly $68 worth of tickets over the course of the 5 draws throughout the season. For those that do not reach the $25 minimum, their discounts will be diverted to the Mary Beth Chaulk Fund strengthening support for our Whalers Community. 

Special note for players leaving the Whalers organization: If a player is not returning to the Whalers Minor Hockey Association, any registration discount they have from participation in the Whalers 50/50 will be diverted to the Mary Beth Chaulk Fund. The only exceptions would be as follows:

·       The discount could be passed on to a sibling who is still with the Whalers organization and under the same registration profile.

·       If the player is moving to another minor hockey team in another minor hockey association. In this case, the discount could be transferred to the new association so long as the player receives prior approval from the Alcohol and Gaming division.

These rules are in place to keep our Association in-line with the Alcohol and Gaming division policy on Youth Sports Lotteries Use of Funds. Note: The Alcohol and Gaming division does not consider Major teams (eg: U15AAA) to be part of “Youth Sport Organizations” due to their sponsorship by individuals/entities outside of a minor hockey association. Therefore, 50/50 discounts cannot be applied to the registration of a player who makes a Major team.

I wish you all good luck this year! Please feel free to email myself at fundraising@whalers.org for any questions related to the draw or for team fundraising inquiries. I am here to help and like always your feedback is appreciated.

Christian Hiriart

Whalers Fundraising Coordinator


Oct 21, 2022