League News


March 21st Restriction Updates

Please see below email that our Safety coordinator sent to all Team Coaches, Managers and Safety reps to let all teams know that the Dartmouth Whalers Executive is strongly recommending to continue to wear mask by players, coaches and spectators for the balance of the season
Good morning,
Since my last email there were a few changes to the Province's 'end of restrictions' plan, most notably Schools will continue to maintain masking mandates. While Hockey NS, the Whalers, and the arenas are not mandating masking, we are strongly recommending staying the course, and masks be worn by players, coaches and spectators for the balance of the season. Essentially, we have 2 weeks left in the season. It would be a shame for players and coaches to miss out on playoffs or SEDMHA because of Covid, especially with all the effort that was given up to this point in the season. 
Again, this isn't a mandate but a strong recommendation. We suggest you communicate this to your teams and their parents/guardians today so that we are all running with the same information.  
Thanks again everyone, we really do appreciate your patience and understanding.  
Go Whalers Go!!!!
Melissa Ruginski,
Safety Coordinator, Dartmouth Whalers
Mar 21, 2022