League News


Hockey NS Certified Spring Checking Clinic

Date: April 24 & 25

Location: RBC Arena


Registration: April 24th @ 11:30AM

April 24th 12:00pm to 1:30pm  

April 25th  8:15pm to 9:45pm 


Cost: $ 80 per player

Please note there will be a limited # of spots for this session so we expect to fill up quickly.



  • Players must be born 2009 or earlier to participate
  • All players who are intending to try out for a NS U15 Major team in the spring or wish to try-out/ play checking in the 2022-23 season MUST attend.
  • All protective equipment must be worn during the session
  • Checking clinics are required to try-out for U15 AA, A, U18 AA,A. If a player opts to not tryout for these teams i.e. wish to play Bantam B or Midget B, then they do not have to attend the checking clinic.
  • Goalies DO NOT attend the checking clinic.
  • If player has already completed a prior Hockey NS certified checking clinic already, they do not need to take it again but are more than welcome to take it again as a refresher.
  • Please click on the below link to register, once registered a confirmation email will be send and all payment links and instructions will be included
  • Checking clinic will be run by our technical director Bill Short.  Any questions regarding this please email Bill at technical@whalers.org.
  • A certificate will not provided, players names, DOB's and HCR #'s will be sent to Hockey NS and their profile will be marked as having completed this once sessions are done.


Checking Clinic Registration Form

Apr 12, 2022

Spring 4 on 4 Registration now open

Spring 4 on 4 is Back and Registration is now open
**PLEASE NOTE in order to register for Spring 4 on 4 you must have been registered with a Minor Hockey Association during the 2021-2022 season.
Spring 4 on 4 will start the week of April 4 until May 5
Levels will be: U7 grads  (Birth Year 2013)
                       U9 returning (Birth Year 2014)
                       U9 grads/U11 returning  (Birth Year 2012 & 2013)
                       U11 grads/U13 returning (2 groups) (Birth Year 2010 & 2011)
                       U13 grads/U15 returning - NO CONTACT (Birth Year 2008 & 2009)
Please note there will be 2 groups of U11grads/U13 Returning. One Monday-Wednesday and the other Tuesday-Thursday.
This is a fun 4 on 4 (shinny) hockey.  U13/U15 group will be non contact
 *** You must create a login and a participant profile before you can register, also please ensure you check off the program you want to register for and then click add to cart and follow instructions from there
Mar 23, 2022

March 21st Restriction Updates

Please see below email that our Safety coordinator sent to all Team Coaches, Managers and Safety reps to let all teams know that the Dartmouth Whalers Executive is strongly recommending to continue to wear mask by players, coaches and spectators for the balance of the season
Good morning,
Since my last email there were a few changes to the Province's 'end of restrictions' plan, most notably Schools will continue to maintain masking mandates. While Hockey NS, the Whalers, and the arenas are not mandating masking, we are strongly recommending staying the course, and masks be worn by players, coaches and spectators for the balance of the season. Essentially, we have 2 weeks left in the season. It would be a shame for players and coaches to miss out on playoffs or SEDMHA because of Covid, especially with all the effort that was given up to this point in the season. 
Again, this isn't a mandate but a strong recommendation. We suggest you communicate this to your teams and their parents/guardians today so that we are all running with the same information.  
Thanks again everyone, we really do appreciate your patience and understanding.  
Go Whalers Go!!!!
Melissa Ruginski,
Safety Coordinator, Dartmouth Whalers
Mar 21, 2022

Spring 4 on 4 is Back and Registration coming soon

Spring 4 on 4 is Back and Registration will be opening soon so keep eye for it, most likely later this week
Spring 4 on 4 will start the week of April 4 until May 5
Levels will be: U7 grads  (Birth Year 2013)
                       U9 returning (Birth Year 2014)
                       U9 grads/U11 returning  (Birth Year 2012 & 2013)
                       U11 grads/U13 returning (2 groups) (Birth Year 2010 & 2011)
                       U13 grads/U15 returning - NO CONTACT (Birth Year 2008 & 2009)
Please note there will be 2 groups of U11grads/U13 Returning. One Monday-Wednesday and the other Tuesday-Thursday.
This is a fun 4 on 4 (shinny) hockey.  U13/U15 group will be non contact
Mar 12, 2022

SEDMHA Volunteer Sign up

SEDMHA has been a longstanding successful tournament at all levels of hockey and it couldn't have been without the help of our volunteers. As we prepare for SEDMHA U9 Jamboree as well as the main SEDMHA to take place this year for the first time since 2019, there is lots of work needed to be done to help make this year another successful year.
For the SEMDHA U9 Jamboree, we require volunteers to work 2 hour shifts during the event on our main information desk. The tournament runs Thursday March 24 to Sunday March 27th.
For the main SEDMHA tournament at this time we require volunteers to help organize and box up all prizes for the championship games. This takes place prior to the event, and is expected to be on or around March 26th for a few hours.
By signing up on the attached form, you are being added to our database of volunteers we will be reaching out to requesting help from as we get closer to the event and have confirmed what is exactly needed. We would greatly appreciate you signing up if you can spare us a few hours to help make this successful.
Thank you
Mar 6, 2022

Hockey NS Proof of Vaccination Update

Good afternoon everyone,


As of today, Phase 1 of the province’s reopening plan has been adjusted to end the requirement to show proof of full vaccination before participating in non-essential, discretionary events and activities such as sport.


As we have worked with our partners at the province throughout the pandemic to align with the guidelines of Public Health, we will also be lifting the Hockey Nova Scotia COVID-19 Vaccination Policy. Effective today, Hockey Nova Scotia members are no longer required to provide proof of full vaccination to take part in Hockey Nova Scotia-sanctioned activities.


Associations and leagues are reminded that Hockey Canada and Hockey Nova Scotia regulations require competitive-level teams that will play toward a provincial, regional, or national championship to be registered with their teams by Feb. 10.


Teams or programs that do not play towards a provincial, regional, or national championship (e.g.: C-level teams, U7, First Shift, etc.) and are able to accommodate players on their rosters at this point in the season can do so at the association or program's discretion.


As we continue to move through the provincial reopening plan, we encourage our members to wash their hands frequently, practice physical distancing, and wear masks at all times while not on the ice.


Yours in Hockey,


Amy Walsh

Executive Director

Hockey Nova Scotia


Arnie Farrell


Hockey Nova Scotia



Garreth MacDonald

Communications & Special Events Director

Hockey Nova Scotia


259 Commodore Drive

Dartmouth, NS, B3B 0M1



Feb 28, 2022